Source code for seagull.rules

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Rules determine how the evolution of the lifeforms will progress. In
Seagull, rules are implemented as a function that takes in a 2-dimensional
array of a given shape then returns the updated array with the rule applied"""

# Import standard library
import re
from typing import Tuple, List

# Import modules
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from loguru import logger

# Import from package

[docs]def conway_classic(X) -> np.ndarray: """The classic Conway's Rule for Game of Life (B3/S23)""" return life_rule(X, rulestring="B3/S23")
[docs]def life_rule(X: np.ndarray, rulestring: str) -> np.ndarray: """A generalized life rule that accepts a rulestring in B/S notation Rulestrings are commonly expressed in the B/S notation where B (birth) is a list of all numbers of live neighbors that cause a dead cell to come alive, and S (survival) is a list of all the numbers of live neighbors that cause a live cell to remain alive. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The input board matrix rulestring : str The rulestring in B/S notation Returns ------- np.ndarray Updated board after applying the rule """ birth_req, survival_req = _parse_rulestring(rulestring) neighbors = _count_neighbors(X) birth_rule = (X == 0) & (np.isin(neighbors, birth_req)) survival_rule = (X == 1) & (np.isin(neighbors, survival_req)) return birth_rule | survival_rule
def _parse_rulestring(r: str) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: """Parse a rulestring""" pattern = re.compile("B([0-8]+)?/S([0-8]+)?") if pattern.match(r): birth, survival = r.split("/") birth_neighbors = [int(s) for s in birth if s.isdigit()] survival_neighbors = [int(s) for s in survival if s.isdigit()] else: msg = f"Rulestring ({r}) must satisfy the pattern {pattern}" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return birth_neighbors, survival_neighbors def _count_neighbors(X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Get the number of neighbors in a binary 2-dimensional matrix""" n = convolve2d(X, np.ones((3, 3)), mode="same", boundary="wrap") - X return n